K R E 8 A R T A F A X

K R E 8 A R T A F A X

L I V E  E V E N T   F O R 



A live, one-day event to help artists learn the mindset, strategy, and positioning needed to create a six-figure artist business.

Saturday, October 1, 2022 Miami, Florida

     L I V E  E V E N T   F O R  A R T I S T S  

I T ' S  H A P P E N I N G !

A live, one-day event to help artists learn the mindset, strategy, and positioning needed to create a six-figure artist business.

Saturday, October 1, 2022  •  Miami, Florida

K R E 8 O L 0 G Y  L I V E





Are you an artist wanting to learn how to massively raise your rates, get booked in large art events, and create a six, or even seven-figure business?

If so, then come to KRE8OLOGY LIVE and learn directly for award-winning master artist, Kre8 how he went from being a broke artist to selling more than $10M of art in less than five years. 

K R E 8 O L 0 G Y  L I V E





Are you an artist wanting to learn how to massively raise your rates, get booked in large art events, and create a six, or even seven-figure business?

If so, then come to KRE8OLOGY LIVE and learn directly for award-winning master artist, Kre8 how he went from being a broke artist to selling more than $10M of art in less than five years. 

Ready To Get Started?

Let's Grow Your Six-Figure Art Business!

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Ready To Get Started?

Let's Grow Your Six-Figure Art Business!

K R E 8 O L O G Y  L I V E

It's Time To Shatter the "Broke Artist" Mentality and Create a Full-Time Living as an Artist


The Kre8 Mofo Mindset

The "broke artist" is a mentality that has to be shattered. At this one-day event you'll start the journey of creating your next-level mindset.

The Kre8 Speedy System

The Kre8 Speedy System allows you to create 10 paintings in the same amount of time it took you to draw one.

The Kre8 High Pricing Method

You’ll learn how to price your paintings for 10-20x your typical pricing and have people outbidding each other to purchase.

K R E 8 O L O G Y  L I V E

If you want to make a full-time living being an artist you have to...

Before I tell you what you must do to create a full time living as an artist I want to tell you why my staff and I are celebrating around my office.

This past week I set two records.

I just sold one of my paintings for $65,000, which was a record, and less than an hour later I sold another one for six-figures.

That’s over $150,000 in one day from 2 of my paintings.

It’s hard to believe I just sold a painting for $100K because it was only 5 years ago I was selling my paintings for $50. I shared that story at a recent show, and a lady approached me and asked, “Kre8, how did you go from being broke to creating a multiple 7-figure art empire?”

It got me thinking. When I was younger...

I used to think that people who were really successful or had a lot of money were just “lucky.” Or they got a “break.”

Over the past several years, what I’ve discovered is that success isn’t handed to you. It’s not accidental. It’s hard work. You don’t “get” a break in this life, you have to go out and “make” your own break.

The difference between those artists like me who are making seven figures and those artists who are broke and literally starving is mindset, strategy, and position.

Notice I didn’t say talent. Chances are you’re a good enough artist to be a seven-figure artist but your mindset is holding you back… or you don’t have an intentional strategy to have breakthroughs, or you’re not positioned in a way that cuts through the noise and allows others to notice you.

That's exactly why I've decided to become a mentor and a coach. I developed a system I call Kre8ology. Kre8ology is a 5 pillar system artists have to master if they are going to shatter the broke artist mindset and create a full-time living with their art.

To kickoff my new mentorship and coaching program I’ve decided to host a live, one-day mastermind right here in North Miami on Saturday, October 1, 2022.

This is an all day event because I have a lot to teach.

  • I’m going to teach you how to create a mindset that breaks through any limiting beliefs you may have.
  • I’m going to show you how to redefine your relationship with money so you can charge higher rates. 
  • I’m going to introduce you to my Kre8 Speedy System that allows you to create 100 paintings in the same amount of time it took you to draw one.
  • You’ll learn how to price your paintings and have people outbidding each other to buy.

It’s going to be an awesome day.

Join us for an intensive training of learning how to shatter the broke mindset of starving artist; learning how to position yourself as an elite artist, and price your paintings for 10x more than you ever have before. 

K R E 8  P R E S E N T S

K R E 8 O L O G Y  L I V E

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/749963501?h=413c2d91b5&amp;app_id=122963" width="426" height="240" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen title="Kre8ology Announcement"></iframe>

A live, one-day event to help artists learn the mindset, strategy, and positioning needed to create a six-figure art business.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Miami, Florida

Cost: $249 (includes lunch)

K R E 8 A R T A F A X

COPYRIGHT © 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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